Tuesday, October 17, 2017

EPA and the CPP

Analyzing the EPA's decision to cut the Clean Power Plan
OUR MISSION:  The mission of the EPA is to protect human health and the environment.

Look at the Environmental Protection Agency website and that sentence stands by itself at the top of the mission page.  Now, note the comments made by EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt upon the rescinding of the Clean Power Plan: “The war on coal is over”, he said, and he focused on jobs when pressed about the consequences of his decision.  This alone shows how the dismissal of the Clean Power Plan this past week is yet another example of unethical politics as this administration ignores their moral obligation to the country, but let’s delve further into the situation to explain why this is so.
First, though, let’s put this in perspective with a strikingly similar example that we’ve seen in our recent past.  When research started to come out about the dangers of cigarettes, many people didn’t want to believe it.  The tobacco industry and their supporters paid for their own ‘research’ that supposedly disputed these findings and confused much of the public for a while.  ‘Big Tobacco’ spent large amounts of money on lobbying efforts and, thus, had some politicians in their corner.  Besides, it would ‘harm jobs and local economies to regulate tobacco’, they argued.  Does any of this sound familiar?  Luckily, smarter and more ethical heads prevailed and we’re much healthier for it.  And, of course, cigarettes and tobacco are still around, just as coal would be, but they are regulated and the dangers are muted as the health implications are now well accepted and undeniable.  Can you imagine that, if instead, we had our president and head of an organization tasked with improving the health of American citizens saying that the ‘war on cigarettes is over’, disputing the science, and encouraging the opening of more cigarette manufacturing companies to bring about job growth?  Hopefully, that sounds as asinine to you as it should.  Some will say that it's not the same thing, and it's not.  But, hopefully, you can see the direct parallels to Trump and Pruitt’s actions.   

·         EPA - Their title is the ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Agency.  Their mission is to protect the human HEALTH and the ENVIRONMENT.  Yes, other factors of course play a role, but Pruitt makes no secret that he is favoring the coal industry and his close ties to the oil and gas industry are well known.  Obviously, though, helping the coal industry is NOT HIS JOB!  I can understand saying that there is a possibility that the regulations may have been too stringent, but then tell us what your suggestion or plan is before disbanding the regulations all together.  His goal clearly appears to be helping the polluters over any improvement to health and environment.

·         Okay, he has made it clear that he wants to take into account how businesses are affected, so let’s think like a successful business for a second.  First of all, a target is typically set to stretch the company’s or employee’s ingenuity and resources and is not something that you already know you can meet.  Most of us learn that at a young age.  Perhaps more importantly, though, if the target is found to be too difficult, maybe you adjust it a bit to make the target a little more reasonable.  You don’t just do away with the target altogether without a replacement, and you most definitely don’t go in the complete opposite direction, as promoting coal companies would do in this case.

·         Most complaints about the efficacy of the CPP focus on the CO2 information, but that is just part of the issue.  Remember that the mission of the EPA is to protect human health and the environment.  Well, there is a scientific consensus that there is NO SAFE LEVEL of coal-fired power plant pollution that is healthy to breathe.  They have literally found NO threshold, says George Thurston, professor of environmental medicine at NYU, and saying otherwise is ‘completely in conflict with scientific knowledge’.  Therefore, doing away with the CPP without any kind of replacement in place while promoting coal burning plants goes directly against their mission.  Harmful effects of climate related changes are widely accepted and most serious to children.  Specifically related to CO2 emissions, here is just one study, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3196488/.  You can easily look up data on asthma, illnesses, and deaths related to pollution.  Just make sure to use common sense.  Look at data comparing more polluted vs. less polluted areas and direct relations to diseases with pollution.  Many will confuse the issue by showing such things as asthma rates rising even as air quality improves, but this is obviously because of dramatic rises in other asthma contributing factors such as obesity.

·         You may be arguing that the EPA is working on a replacement based on a few statements and stories put out there.  First, it’s a requirement that the EPA accept public comment on the repeal and a discussion on a replacement and that, obviously, should have been done in advance of repealing the CPP.  But, believe it or not, it’s right in their proposal to cut the CPP that the EPA has yet to determine whether or not they will create an additional rule on the regulation of greenhouse gasses!

·         Those who focus their argument on scientific factors say that the CPP was useless because the calculations show it potentially would only have resulted in a 2% reduction in atmospheric CO2 and 0.01 degree C drop in temperature.  On the face of it, this sounds like a fair and cogent argument.  The problem is that it is such a short-sighted, biased, and morally lacking argument as to be scary in its implications.  As mentioned previously, the CPP also improved breathing conditions from coal-fired plants, and it also addressed SO2 and NOx emissions (remember acid rain and smog?), both of which have significant health effects.  But, to specifically address the CO2 and temperature data, we knew when the plan was put into place that it was possible that those changes by the US alone may be small, especially in the short term, which is why it’s vital to educate yourself on why the plan was implemented.  For one, CO2 effects on climate extend potentially thousands of years after emissions cease as it lingers in the atmosphere1.  We were the first, and worst, at putting these pollutants into the air and the rest of the world followed.  The US is (was?) looked upon as a world leader.  Now, seeing the damage and extreme danger, we attempted to do the opposite; to do our part to clean up the environment and set an example that would be the impetus for the rest of the world to follow.  This was essential because the data shows that it’s going to take a world-wide effort to possibly make the needed changes to meet the necessary differences in levels.  And, it worked.  China, another historically large CO2 polluter, submitted a plan to the U.N. to reduce fossil fuel emissions, and almost every other country  across the globe has pledged to address the issue.   So, what does the US do now?  We not only decide the plan is not worth it for us, but we go even further and plan to go back to putting MORE pollutants into the air!  I guess, for this administration, the wealth of the rich is more important than the health of the people.  Luckily, at this point, it looks like we’ve lost our role as a leader and we’re looked upon as fools, in this area at least, and other countries are sticking to their plans, probably because they also see an economic and political power benefit from it as well as environmental and recognize the shifting tides in energy.  Hopefully, our lack of foresight doesn’t result in other countries deciding to follow in our footsteps.

·         Finally, the EPA has both a LEGAL and MORAL obligation to limit carbon pollution.  The ‘endangerment finding’ was issued in 2009 after the US Supreme Court ruled in 2007 (and upheld in 2012) that the ‘EPA not only had the authority to regulate climate gases as pollutants under the federal Clean Air Act, but was obligated to do so. The court directed the EPA to examine the scientific evidence and determine if greenhouse gases posed a threat to the public.  The EPA did that — examining everything from the potential for more damaging hurricanes, to death rates due to ozone and heat exposure, to deadly exposure to pathogens — and concluded in unambiguous terms that there was “compelling” reason to believe the gases threaten the health of Americans, and that the threat would get worse.  The agency’s conclusion rested on thousands of pages of peer-reviewed research, from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, from the U.S. Global Climate Research Program, and from the National Research Council. The agency wrote its rules and subjected them to public criticism. The public submitted voluminous comments, all of which were reviewed by the EPA before it issued a final rule.’ (https://www.propublica.org/article/is-the-epa-landmark-endangerment-finding-now-itself-imperiled).  So, no matter what the head of the agency or the president thinks they believe, they are legally required to act on carbon emissions unless they have the facts to the contrary to prove their case.

What’s right for the greater good and long-lasting benefits to human beings?  Let’s put our focus on making the world the best possible place for both us and our future generations so they can continue to thrive.  That SHOULD be the priority, especially when that’s your job!

Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Better, Richer, and Stronger Together

Better Together, Richer Together, Stronger Together

It’s ingenious, really.  Disgusting and infuriating, but genius nonetheless.  The Russians played a clever game to fan the flames of discourse, expose and exaggerate tensions that have been festering for some time, and deepen mistrust in the the American political system.  However, while they may have gotten the upper hand and won the first battle, there’s a clear path to victory in this war:  unity.  Luckily for us, historically, this is what Americans do best in times of crisis; put our differences aside and come together as one.  Right now is the perfect opportunity to recognize that our fears, prejudices, and pride have been exposed as a major weakness, perhaps our greatest weakness, and exploited by a major foreign power so effectively as to almost render us blind.  Right now it is imperative that we acknowledge our preconceptions so that we can move past and learn from them in order to render future such attacks useless.  Having a foreign power engaging in such massive efforts to sway and divide public opinion is and should be of great concern to every American citizen, irregardless of political persuasion.

For example, it is known that the Russians bought an ad on Facebook ‘supporting’ Black Lives Matter, which exaggerated the extreme responses to Ferguson and Baltimore to play on people’s fear.  They did this for just about every hot-button and controversial topic: promoting gun-rights and the second amendment, propagating false warnings about illegal immigrants, targeting LGBT issues, and so on.  They also, then, put up sham websites so that those that clicked on the posts would be directed to more misleading claims.  They harped on issues that caused any kind of strife among different segments of our society.  In the meantime, others in our very own country were (and still are) also explicitly involved with spreading, if not initiating, false narratives based solely on hate and fear and with the intent to further drive mistrust in certain groups of people.  Predictably, many fell in step with this because of deep-rooted preconceived notions and years of ill-conceived discriminatory teachings fed off of the smallest of kernels of truth, often taken out of context and exaggerated massively.  These diabolical people who organized these attacks also know that it’s human psychology that people will engrain a notion even if the initial story that formed it has been proven to be false.  

I’m not putting all of this on any one side either for, while I personally stand for equality and justice for all, I realize that this has occurred on every side of the aisle.  BLM, Confederates, LGBT, women’s rights, you name it, these issues have been targets and are usually complicated by the fact that people are unwilling to listen to concerns and communicate effectively, which means the issues can’t be properly addressed.  This results in those with said concerns further digging in their heels instead of finding common ground or recognizing their misconceptions.  Of course, I realize that some people aren’t going to listen or adapt no matter what you say.  But, those are also the ones that will lose out in the end.  Once people come together, once people start talking and working to understand one another, the more likely we’ll see true equality and justice.  Then, and only then, will we be able to fight off future attacks on our way of life such as those the Russians have pulled off.

Sadly, it’s going to be more difficult than it should be.  Ideally, we should have leadership that stands against foreign interference, understands underlying issues and tensions, initiates peaceful dialog, and strives for equality.  We don’t have that at the highest level in our government currently.  That doesn’t make things impossible, though. However, it does require those supporting this administration to open their eyes and see the problem and for those on the other side to not assume every republican is like the President and some of his cronies.  When the President is the only one calling the Russian interference fake, it’s a problem.  Whether it helped him win or not is of no consequence, it’s a big deal.  When the President enacts executive orders based on fear perpetrated by these stories, it’s a problem.  Then, you have the issue of Breitbart News, who is notorious for publishing inflammatory and false stories.  For example, they, along with Info Wars, Fox News, and others, purposely spread misinformation about a supposed knife-point rape by immigrants in Iowa that caused a massive amount of anger and mistrust of government and immigrants.  These are exactly the kind of stories that Russia would exploit and some of our own biased media helped them right along.  So, to then have Breitbart’s executive chair, Steve Bannon, become White House Chief Strategist, is a problem.  If these stories were about a particular person it would be slander or libel.  Yet, a man that makes a living doing this was tapped to one of the most influential positions in our government.  To further demonstrate how successful these campaigns have been, just this past week the state of Alabama elected a man as their senate GOP candidate who had no clue what DACA was but cited blatantly false stories about sharia law being declared in ‘Indiana and/or Illinois’.  There are many more issues, the list is disturbingly long, but there shouldn’t be a need to go on for people to realize the obstacles we face. I’d rather focus on the positives and solutions.

It’s up to us.  If we want to win this war and stop letting a foreign power put wedges between sectors in our society, it’s up to us.  Before you get too fired up about any particular article or news story, validate it.  Before accepting the veracity of headlines and clips, try to find the full clip or story to make sure it wasn’t purposely taken out of context.  If you’ve fallen for fake stories in the past, whether they be about muslims, immigrants, blacks, supremacists, etc., realize it, own it, and try your best to recognize any underlying bias that remains.  

There is no single great race.  There is no dominant sex.  Freedom of religion along with the separation of church and state are fundamental to a well-functioning and long-lasting democracy or republic.  White, black, gay, trans, muslim, catholic, male, female, rich, poor, doctor, janitor, democrat, or republican, we all have an important part to play and contribute to what makes this country great.  As long as we’re striving for equality, we’ll succeed.  As long as we’re accepting of our differences and recognize that as a strength, we’ll succeed.  As long as we accept that immigrants and refugees make essential improvements to our economy and society, we’ll succeed.  As long as we lend a hand and talk with all walks of life instead of making judgments based on those that want us divided, we will succeed.  We win by loving, playing, praying, working, and when needed, fighting, alongside our diverse citizenry.

We are better when we all come together.  We are richer when we all come together.  And, when we unite and show the world our acceptance and faith in humanity, no one is stronger.  We do this and Russia or anyone else’s push to divide us and cause mistrust in our government blows up in their faces.

Shooting response - learn and adapt

My parents were both great teachers, by profession and with my siblings and I.  Whenever a major event happened, they made sure to use it as a teaching moment knowing that is when the lessons would be internalized and changes would be made.  Sadly, our current administration doesn't seem to abide by that smart teaching, learning, and adapting philosophy.  After the hurricane season resulted in the predicted strong storms, their response was that it wasn't the time to talk about climate change.  And it worked in their favor, people moved on and nothing has come of it.  Now, after the next predictable mass shooting, the deadliest in modern history, their response is that now isn't time to talk about gun legislation!  If you truly mourn for the victims, instead of ignoring the obvious and hoping the feelings pass, let's take the time to do what we should; learn and try to come up with and attempt some solutions.  

Let's not forget.  Stop politicking and start doing.  All of us.

Part II - response to a comment:

477 days, 521 mass shootings.  Before anyone gets up in arms about the semantics, I think it's more than fair to define an incident involving 4 or more injuries or deaths as a mass shooting.  And, that doesn't take into account the thousands of other homicides and accidents.  Do seat belts prevent all car deaths? Of course not, but they drastically reduce them.  Why can't we put some kind of safety device (pin, bracelet, etc.) on guns to make them safer and less vulnerable to theft?  We can't have tint that is too dark or do certain things to soup up our vehicles.  Why can't we make it illegal to buy aftermarket accessories such as the bump stock that essentially turns a gun into an automatic weapon?  We have to show a license and have a limit on certain OTC medicines.  Why can't we limit a person's number of gun purchases?  There is a 21 year old age limit on alcohol, why not guns?  Regular inspections are required on cars.  Why not for guns?  We can microstamp guns and bullets more effectively to make it easier to identify perpetrators, which would discourage their use in crimes.  And, of course, there's the issue of universal background checks.  This is just the tip of the iceberg.  But, NOTHING can be done?!  Bad people are just going to do bad things from time to time?!  Disturbingly, sickeningly, it is illegal to do gun violence research!  This can be absolutely vital to find out which measures or combination of measures would work best.  Now these next few delve into the second amendment debate, but it's insane to allow someone on a terror watch list be able to easily buy a gun.  Many shootings occur because of mental illness and depression leading to suicidal tendencies.  The same goes for domestic violence and we know that it's not uncommon that alcohol is involved in gun violence.  If we know this, we should be able to do something about it.  This administration has banned immigrants from several countries because of a FEAR that someone may get through our already thorough screening.  But NOTHING can be done about gun violence?!  Bad people are just going to do bad things from time to time?!  No, much CAN and SHOULD be done about it.  No solution is perfect and we can't stop every shooting from happening, but we can make it a lot more difficult and save many lives in the process.  Our leaders need to stop being biased and swayed by money and the perception of power and start doing what's right, moral, and ethical.