Monday, November 20, 2017

DKW Tax Reform Proposal

I don’t like to complain without offering solutions or ideas.  So, with that said, let me try to put something forth for you to consider on Tax Reform.  First, however, please bear with me for a short bit as I explain some of my rationale.  If you would rather just check out my proposed solution, you can skip to the bottom.
"It's going to make life very simple" and "This is a complete redesign of the code, so we can simplify it so much that 9 out of 10 Americans can file using a postcard-style system".  These are statements from the President and GOP Rep Brady talking about their new tax reform proposal.  Somehow, this administration seems to equate ‘simple’ with ‘better’.  They tried to do it with healthcare and continue that line of reasoning with tax reform.  Can these complicated issues be simplified and condensed?  Sure.  To a point.  But, much of the bulk is in place in an effort to help clarify, protect, and create fairness and we’ll run into the same problems that caused those to be written again if they are simply cut out.  Ironically, having said that, I have to make this fairly short since it is a blog and no one will read it if it gets too long!
Nobody really likes having to pay taxes.  On the other hand, most people realize that taxes are an essential part of a well-functioning society, and it’s not a bad thing assuming that the government handles their financial responsibilities fairly and efficiently.  Ah, there’s the crux of the problem! 
I’m a fan of capitalism.  Sure, it has its issues and creates a certain culture of greed, but it also allows for individual growth, encourages a working society, and rewards innovation and ingenuity.  I’ve seen a lot of people say that it’s unfair that the wealthy have to pay more in taxes, that the bulk of tax money comes from the richest among us, and so on.  On the other hand, way too many people have obviously never been in a situation where you don’t visit the doctor for serious issues, even with insurance, because you can’t even afford the copay or when paying a little more in taxes means making tough choices on essential living items or working more overtime.  A small amount of tax difference among the lower earners is relative pocket change to the government, but can make a tremendous impact to the individuals themselves.  Taking 35% of a millionaire’s income still leaves her with more than enough money to survive in luxury.  On the other hand, taking 15% of someone making $25,000 a year already makes substantial impacts.  In a Utopian society and an ideal situation, I’d love to see our government be in a position to be able to offer a low enough and sustainable tax rate that could be equal for everyone that wouldn’t hamper those in the lower and lower-middle class while encouraging financial growth for everyone.  But, that’s not where we are.  Not even close.  With out-of-control national debt and deficit, we absolutely must be smart and efficient and the amount of money needed to be raised from taxes is far too much to be able to tax evenly across the board.  In addition, on a good note, while perhaps not ideal, we are in a good situation right now in terms of jobs, low unemployment rates, and steady growth.  Simply put, it is irresponsible to create cuts that add substantial amounts to the deficit while at the same time leaving very little wiggle room to help the economy when we face a strong downturn. 
While I understand the general idea being pushed that increasing the standard deduction will cover the proposed cuts of some popular and more specific deductions, that mentality overlooks significant issues.  One big issue is that many of those deductions help incentivize specific important segments of the economy and society.  That would include higher education, home ownership, adoption, and charitable contributions, among others.  There has been a lot of detail already published concerning these, so I won’t go into detail here.  But, one that really gets me is the proposal on education and student loans.  While it’s not necessary, it is a fact that a large majority of millionaires are college educated and have advanced degrees.7  Education is important.  To make matters worse, tuition has increased so much over the past 20 years that middle class families are already struggling to justify getting advanced degrees while those in the top 10%, and especially the top 1%, are spending more on education1.  The obvious implications being that the wealthy will continue to pull away from those in the lower and middle class as they have easier access to basic opportunities, as has been building over the past several decades.  There are some simple explanations as to why the gap between classes continue to widen.  By taxing waved tuition and stipends while eliminating the deductions, a bigger burden will be created on many just starting out, a barrier placed on entry for many who would decide the cost isn’t worth it, and it would hobble future research and academic advancements.  Another issue  is that many give to charities because of the tax incentives in place for doing so.  Of course, I would hope that many would still donate but I also realistically know that there would be a sharp reduction in charitable giving under the provisions of the proposed plans2.  In addition, including the provision that the individual tax cuts expire and including the cut to the individual mandate as part of tax reform is a cheap and irresponsible play.
I have one more issue with the proposed tax plans that hasn’t been discussed much.  Having fewer tax brackets sounds nice and simple.  But, it seems that those that write these have never been on the lower end of the spectrum because it’s common as one grows in many careers that their income will go from, let’s say, $45,000 one year to $45,500 the next (or $38,500 to $39,000 for the senate plan).  This would result in a large jump in tax rate from 10% to 20% or 12% to 22% depending on the plan, which makes a substantial difference for this group.  This is also the case with the current tax brackets as it jumps from 15% to 25%.  While some people will see lower taxes at a certain income level under the new proposals, they don't solve the issue of some having to pay much more in taxes after being rewarded with a raise at work.
I haven’t even brought up corporate taxes yet.  The misleading statement that the US has the highest taxes in the world just isn’t true.  Plus, there are so many incentives, loopholes, and breaks that the effective rate is more around the 20% range as proven by our own US Department of Treasury.3  Again, I’m all for business succeeding and given fair opportunities to do so.  However, large tax cuts right now are not the way to go.  The money would go to large investors and the idea of most of it ‘trickling down’ just doesn’t happen.  Even so, I’d perhaps be willing to give some components of it a shot if we were in a different situation, but adding to the deficit in such a manner in the situation we are in is reckless, if not immoral.  We can do better.  Obviously, there is a lot more to the bill, both good and bad, than listed here.  But, I’ll trust you to look those up if you’re interested.
* So, here is my proposal (caveat:  I've focused on single payers below, but the concept would be the same for other filings.  Also, I don’t have a CBO score and haven’t run the numbers to see exactly how it affects the deficit, so I would need to see how those come out when I have the time, money, and people 😉.  ):
·         Continually increasing tax ‘brackets’
o   The highest income in each current bracket would see no change.
o   The rates would increase steadily between the current brackets on a percentage of income basis
o   Rates would increase from 5% to 40%
o   It is very SIMPLE with no large jump in rates
o   No one would see a tax increase, with the exception of a mere 0.4% increase for those making over $450,000, and most would see at least a little bit of a reduction.  (I could be persuaded to possibly make the top level $500,000 depending on how the deficit numbers work out)
o    My proposed rates for single filers can be found below
·         Reduce corporate tax rates from 35% to 30%
o   This would give a bump to corporations to help further stimulate growth
o   This is much more realistic than the reduction to 20% that has been proposed
·         Keep the deductions common among the lower and middle classes and which help important segments of society. 
·         Allow a $4,000 personal exemption (down slightly from $4,050) with a slight increase in standard deduction to $6,500 (from $6,350).
·         Make long term capital gains tax rates 15% up until the top bracket, which would continue to be at 20% (wealthy investors often record little, if any, ‘income’ and thus pay 0% in the current system.)
·         Adjust the second-home mortgage interest deduction to debt as high as $250,000 (currently at $1 million)
·         Reduce or severely limit other ‘special interest’ deductions such as the Carried Interest Loophole and golf course tax while leaving others, like the estate tax, as is5. 
o   The 0.4% increase on the upper levels along with these changes would help pay for the other tax cuts without hampering any individual’s way of life. 
**   This plan allows for easy manipulation, as required, due to changes in the economy.  Simply adjust the rates evenly either up or down, lower the top rate and adjust the others accordingly, adjust the income levels more fairly or evenly throughout the scale, etc.
***  Much more would obviously go into it, but this would be the general backbone and starting point.

 $             -  
 $  1,865
 $    70,321
 $ 75,715
 $      1,866
 $  3,730
 $    75,716
 $ 81,110
 $      3,731
 $  5,595
 $    81,111
 $ 86,505
 $      5,596
 $  7,460
 $    86,506
 $ 91,900
 $      7,461
 $  9,325
 $    91,901
 $ 125,150
 $      9,326
 $  15,050
 $  125,151
 $ 158,400
 $    15,051
 $  20,775
 $  158,401
 $ 191,650
 $    20,776
 $  26,500
 $  191,651
 $ 236,660
 $    26,501
 $  32,225
 $  236,661
 $ 281,670
 $    32,226
 $  37,950
 $  281,671
 $ 326,680
 $    37,951
 $  43,345
 $  326,681
 $ 371,690
 $    43,346
 $  48,740
 $  371,691
 $ 416,700
 $    48,741
 $  54,135
 $  416,701
 $ 417,550
 $    54,136
 $  59,530
 $  417,551
 $ 418,400
 $    59,531
 $  64,925
 $  418,401
 $ 424,720
 $    64,926
 $  70,320
 $  424,721
 $ 431,040

 $  431,041
 $ 437,360

 $  437,361
 $ 443,680

 $  443,681
 $ 450,000

 $  450,001
 $ 450,001 + 

Standard deduction:       $6,500
Personal exemption:      $4,000

Think it could possibly work?

Friday, November 17, 2017

Be the Change


We, the people of the United States, need a serious reboot of how our government is run and of those who run it.  I realize that this is stating the obvious and has been the case for a good while, but I believe things are getting close to a tipping point.  Most rational people know it is vital to listen to differing viewpoints and work toward policies that yield the best combination of building this country’s economy while offering opportunities and protections for its citizens, citizens of all persuasions, in a way that looks to secure a good future by encompassing such things as improving the environment and securing global partnerships to ensure long-term health, wealth, and success.  Unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be what we have right now.

The concept of having political parties is essential so that there can be productive debate, ideas can be hashed out, and compromises made as warranted.  As most of us have learned, history is ripe with examples of how countries fail when one party dominates.  It’s an unfortunate but common human trait that too many of us are power hungry and will sacrifice the common good in favor of retaining perceived positions of strength, and this is exaggerated when large groups are involved and ‘group think’ takes over.  Sadly, this is the direction in which we have been heading of late, except with two factions competing instead of one dominant one.  Worse yet, it’s devolved to the point where it’s not even masked by those in power and a large swath of society seemingly simply falls in line.  Politicians have used this to deepen the divide and stay in power.  Foreign governments have even taken notice and have attempted to use it against us.  In addition, money continues to play a bigger and more substantial role in elections with wealthy donors, super pacs, and now even churches able to play a factor in candidates’ campaigns.  So, what has happened is that politicians are even more swayed by special interest groups in the effort to remain elected.  We’re seeing more policy changes, or lack thereof, that are blatantly the result of this, often very thinly-veiled as being for the public good.  Also, because there are only two major political parties and division is so great, there winds up being a mentality that we must choose one side over the other and if your party wins your positions get to dominate rather than trying to work with the other side as our government was intended. 

As evidence of this, I recently saw part of a press conference in which Mitch McConnell literally said “the goal here is to win elections in November…My goal as the leader of the Republican Party in the Senate is to keep us in the majority. The way you do that is not complicated. You have to nominate people who can actually win, because winners make policy and losers go home.”  It opened my eyes that he boldly stated out loud that his job is to win elections, but even more so that no one even flinched.  It didn’t even result in a single comment.  But, it’s disgusting in its implications.  Your job as a politician is to represent the people and do what’s right for them and the country.  While you may believe your party has the better ideas, your job IS NOT to win elections.  I understand that many will argue that this is one and the same, but it isn’t and shouldn’t be.  That just puts you in position to be swayed and make bad deals.  Of course, this is not at all restricted to republicans, it just so happens that it was McConnell speaking in this instance.  Both sides are prone to over the top demonization of those on the other side of the aisle.  This goes hand-in-hand with another pet peeve; where people keep saying things like the president MUST pass a tax reform bill, or congress HAS to overhaul healthcare, etc.  NO, if a better solution comes around, then great.  But, passing legislation just to say you passed something is ridiculous.  Knowing it’s a subpar option or, as seems to have been the case recently, not even understanding the bill yourself, is even worse.  As a politician, what you SHOULD do is pass the best possible bill when it is ready and has undergone full scrutiny.  If that means taking more time than originally suggested, that makes you more reliable in my opinion than if you just force something through to claim an empty and meaningless ‘victory’.

If you’ve seen any news at all lately, you’ve heard about the sexual misconduct and assault allegations levied against many famous people in positions of power, including politicians.  I have found it very disturbing how many friends pointed to the Roy Moore allegations as some kind of example of republican mentality or the Al Franken actions as showing democrat hypocrisy.  They almost seem gleeful that the ‘other side’ must deal with severe wrongdoings.  Of course, when the President of the United States in among these people, we have an even bigger problem.  Wrong is wrong, and consequences should be levied equally based upon severity no matter position or political affiliation, or whether we voted for him/her or not.  We have devolved into reveling misfortunes instead of supporting successes.  There is real danger, moral and otherwise, in having your base chanting to lock up your opponent.  Again, this goes for both sides.  If charges are warranted, let investigators do their part and rise above the hyperbole of riling up public anger and leveraging that for your own personal gains and satisfactions.  I’m not saying that it’s not right to call out possible illegal activities, but doing so in a civil way that doesn’t create possible public disturbances is essential.  On a similar note, politicians seem to be more afraid of the other side looking good than admitting they may have good points that should be negotiated.

Along those lines, when there are obvious displays of favoritism or policies that have the potential to cause harm it is important to speak out.  It’s great that we have that opportunity in America and the formidable mass behind the dominant political parties helps get those messages out for us.  But, we’ve gone too far.  Instead of utilizing the power to stand up and get something accomplished in these instances, the sides now seem to choose to disagree on almost every single issue creating a situation where nothing gets done.  It’s become us versus them, I’m right and you’re wrong.  To make matters worse, way too many votes are solely along party lines, no matter the pros or cons, who gets hurt or rewarded.  People are afraid to go against their party, thus as is typical in group think, people vote for bills they otherwise never would.  Issues from one bill that won’t pass are forced into another that they think will pass.  Bills that affect millions of people are voted on before the public has any real idea what is included.  The list goes on and on. 

I think you get my drift and I know that countless people think along the same lines, and I don’t want this to get too long.  Thus, rather than list changes that can be made, as they’re probably obvious to most people anyway, let me just say this:  Let’s work to get people in power who are willing to work for US and with EACH OTHER, who realize that negotiations are about the greater good of the outcome, which is sometimes what is kept from happening and not always about ‘what’s in it for me,’ and who aren’t tied into anything that would cause conflicts of interest.  Let’s work to get people who understand our frustrations with a malfunctioning government and is willing to buck the trends and stand up for what’s right and not just for what any particular party says is right.  If our president and our politicians can’t do it, then let’s find new ones that can.  It’s up to us.  That’s the most incredibly wonderful thing about our great country.  But, enough of us must become involved and think a little bit outside the box in order for real changes to be made.