Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Of Concussions and the Planned Parenthood Bill

What would you say to someone who suggested that your favorite football team should be banned from the league because they don’t believe in the seriousness of concussions and don’t agree that your team should have a protocol for dealing with it or taking the doctor’s time in treating it?  That hopefully sounds absurd to you, even if you are foolish enough to agree with the person’s stance on concussion science.  Well, the president’s recent bill that took aim at defunding Planned Parenthood is tantamount to agreeing with your friend, except with much more serious, real-life, consequences.  Not only that, but the people it hurts the most are the working class and lower income Americans that he claims to be trying to help.

You’re not buying it?  Even the president himself complimented Planned Parenthood and recognized the immense amount of important work that they do just months ago.  Yet now, because of a personal belief about a portion of their practice that is ONLY 3% of the services they provide, which NONE OF THE FUNDING is used for anyway, and is LEGAL, he is potentially drastically damaging the welfare of millions of Americans.  Of course, this president is the same person who called the NFL ‘soft’ because of their concussion protocol while calling concussions a ‘little ding to the head’.  So, what should we expect? 

It’s important to know what Planned Parenthood does and who they help.  Roughly 5 MILLION people annually use Planned Parenthood for their sexual and reproductive health care, education, and outreach.  To my point about the bill hurting certain supporters of the president the most, 83% were 20 years old or older and 80% had incomes at or below 150% of the federal poverty level according to the most recent data from the Government Accountability Office report released in 2015.  No one would argue the essential need for sex education for both adolescents and those in impoverished areas, which is a large component of Planned Parenthood as they provide sex education to 1.5 million people each year.  42% of their services, the largest aspect of the business, go toward sexually transmitted disease screening, resulting in 4.2 million tests and treatments in 2014.  They also perform 270,000 pap smears, 360,000 breast exams, and participated in more than 70 research projects according to the 2014 annual report.  

Perhaps more importantly, 26% of Planned Parenthood patients said that it was the only place they could go for the services they needed according to a 2016 survey.  This is a large number considering that in 2014, 20.2 million women needed publicly funded family planning services.

So, let’s get to the crux of the issue, then.  Many seem fine with sacrificing all of this because of their beliefs about a portion of what the group does legally.  It shouldn’t be a surprise that it’s not as cut and dry as those that only look at the surface think.  First, let’s tackle contraception.  For most, this isn’t that controversial with the argument against contraception usually coming from a religious angle.  Our forefathers were amazingly astute when they put out the idea of separation of church and state.  The concept is applicable here, as they saw the negative effects that can happen when certain beliefs are used to rule a diverse population.  So, what happens when the community loses this access?  You can take a look at Texas:  between 2014 and 2015 they saw around 24,000 unplanned births after funding cuts.  The reasons were obvious, about half of those interviewed said they were unable to access birth control they wanted to use because of cost, lack of insurance, inability to find a clinic, and inability to get a prescription.  What’s frustrating is that those fighting for these cuts don’t look to see the consequences.  Just from this one example, the state and federal taxpayers’ Medicaid costs rise up to $273 million!  I also hate it when I hear that these people should just keep their legs shut if they can’t afford to get pregnant.  Yeah, that is easy to say, but everyone knows that’s not going to happen and undermines attempts to manage the issue to help our society and economy.  I’ve also heard someone say recently that underprivileged women should have to pay for all of their birth control and birth care themselves since they just ‘want to waste taxpayers money’.  As I just stated, this is backwards as in reality it SAVES taxpayer money.  But, also, you can’t say that anyone has less of a right to have children.  I have close relatives who had kids while on food stamps.  Those kids are now some of the most intelligent and talented people you’ll find and the family now makes more money than I do.  But, according to these people, it wasn’t right for them to have their kids!

But, of course, the biggest issue is that of abortion.  I’m not going to delve deeply into it here as this blog would get way too long to give it the detail it deserves.  But, as I mentioned in the first paragraph, I find it disappointing that people are willing to risk all of the positive work that Planned Parenthood does due to a personal belief on a legal aspect of their business of which the funding isn’t even used for.  Again, when you look at it from all angles, it’s just not as cut and dry as some want to believe.  Do you really think the doctors enjoy performing this surgery?  I recently spoke with an OB-GYN who detailed some of the horrors they see with patients who have had illegal abortions.  The reasons vary, but often the life of the woman is at risk.  Without going into the pro-life/pro-choice argument, I’ll just say that these women are usually going to get them done one way or another by the time they’ve made that decision.  At least Planned Parenthood educates them, describes in detail their various options, and performs the surgeries in a safe manner when that is what is decided upon.  You don’t have to approve of the option to realize that having it offered in this scenario saves lives and large amounts of taxpayer money.  Again, looking at the reality of the situation: defunding Planned Parenthood would likely lead to MORE abortions due to the higher number of unintended pregnancies (real-world studies show a 40% reduction in unintended pregnancies with access to birth control.  Two studies showed a 42% and 75% reduction in abortion rate with access to long-acting birth control), an increase in STDs (i.e. 150 new cases of HIV reported in the small town of Austin, IN in 2011 after PP was defunded), an increase in maternal deaths (pregnancy related deaths doubled in 2010-2012 in TX after regulations were enforced), an increase in taxpayer cost (in 2015 the nonpartisan congressional budget office calculated a $130 million increase if PP were defunded), and the list goes on and on.

Unbelievably, I still hear people citing falsehoods from the video that was popularized during the election.  It’s amazing that people will hear what they want to hear, but not acknowledge when their position was proven false such as when during the investigation against planned parenthood the organization was cleared but the people who made the videos were the ones who ended up ultimately charged with crimes!

Yes, I realize it’s a controversial topic that many are passionate to the point of stubbornness about.  And, yes, there are many angles in which you can look at this issue.  In my personal opinion, if you sincerely look at the full picture and scope of the situation and beyond the aspect that makes you uncomfortable you will find that the consequences of the president’s bill allowing the defunding of Planned Parenthood can be damaging to the majority and devastating to many.  We need ‘pragmatic realists’ who see the world as it is and implement solutions and methods to make it a better place; not leaders willing to hurt those that need medical help the most to make a point.  The president who has passed bill after bill to erase regulations meant to combat corruption to help his wealthy friends has once again passed one that very negatively impacts those with lower incomes the most.  There’s a reason why he signed this one quietly and without fanfare.  He probably listened to powerful and/or wealthy supporters and even HE likely knew it was not for the greater good.  What a guy.

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