Thursday, December 21, 2017

Tax Reform

Tax reform.  Lower taxes.  More money in your pocket.  Government taking less of your hard-earned income.  GREAT!  Who wouldn’t want that, right?  And, that’s the depth of thinking and ego-centric mentality that this administration is counting on from the public.  Luckily, it looks like most Americans are smarter than given credit for and are capable and willing to ask the important question ‘at what cost?’ as proven by how unpopular the tax cuts are.  Let’s take a closer look at some of the pros and cons.

·         Yes, most people will have less of a tax obligation over the next few years.  This will make many happy, of course.  Speaking for myself, it appears I start off by saving a whopping 1.4%, but over the course of the decade that reverses to actually become a slight INCREASE in taxes.  Of course, I realize some other middle-income earners get a bigger savings in the short term.  If you just focus on that, it looks good for the time being.  However, at the same time the healthcare premiums are expected to increase an extra 10% per year due to revisions in the reform according to the nonpartisan CBO and other experts.  This alone wipes out much of the benefits for many in the lower to middle class.  On top of that, because this reform adds to the deficit, it’s highly likely that governmental spending cuts will be proposed that will directly and negatively impact the financial well-being of those in the lower to middle class the most.

·         One growing sentiment throughout this process that I don’t like is the resentment toward the wealthy.  While there are a group of rich folks that are taking advantage of the system, using politics for personal gain, and performing a blatant power grab, there are also many others in this exclusive club that aren’t, that are doing positive things for the community, and are disgusted by what is going on.  I’m all for people succeeding and happy for wealthy people who have earned my respect.  That’s not the problem.  The problem is how unfair the system, and this new tax reform, is.  On average, the middle income earners get a tax cut worth 1.6% of their after-tax income where as those making $308,000 to $733,000 get a 3.4% and the top 0.1% get a 2.7% cut respectively.  Besides just being a higher percentage, you must realize that it is a higher percentage of a much higher starting income number, which makes the tax gains that much more skewed.  Plus, meaningful cuts for the wealthy are permanent but those for the rest are set to expire!  While politicians say they will be made permanent, that is far from a foregone conclusion.  In my opinion, these percentages should be swapped, it nothing else.             

o   The widening gap between the upper and middle class is well known, as are the damaging effects that are the result.  This bill only exasperates this important issue.  It may make those in the middle class happy to see a tax cut, but it exponentially increases the divide between the classes as the top percentage get to take advantage of a system that largely benefits them.  In addition, it keeps unfair advantages, such as those for hedge fund managers, that the President himself has pointed out as excessive.  Wall Street will love these cuts and the stock market is likely to continue to grow due to it.  Of course, it is largely the wealthy who have money invested in the markets further deepening the divide.

·         Yes, there will likely be growth to both the economy and jobs due to the tax cut bill.  The question is how much and is it worth it?  As for how much, looking past the extremes from either side, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center estimates an increase in GDP by 0.8% in 2018 tapering to little effect by 2027, creating $186 Billion in the first decade from a bill with a cost of $1.5 Trillion on which interest will have to also be paid, and an increase debt as a share of GDP by 5 percentage points to 97% of GDP by 2027 and to 117% of GDP by 2037.  So, even if GDP grows at their estimated 0.29% per year, we are worse off.  The number of full-time equivalent jobs created is estimated by the Tax Foundation to be 339,000.  That may sound good until you put it into perspective: there were 261,000 jobs created in October alone, which is in line with recent trends.  For example, there were 1.357 million jobs created in Obama’s last seven months and 1.189 million in Trump’s first seven months.  So, the relatively small amount of job growth at such a large cost is staggering. 

·         Only the most biased/conservative estimates have the bill coming anywhere close to paying for itself.  Most republicans who voted for the bill even recognize the increase to the deficit that it will cause.  It’s been interesting to hear how they’re tying to spin it.  I found myself chuckling when I heard one senator say that it’s only increasing the deficit something like 1-2%, realizing that some people will hear it as a small number when put into percentage terms and think it’s not a big deal.  But, yes, of course it is a big deal when you’re ADDING up to a TRILLION DOLLARS to an already high deficit and to what is already over a $20 TRILLION DEBT!  The interest alone is unfathomable.  They know this.  But, they wanted to push this bill through and then say that spending is out of control to make other cuts that will predominately end up hurting the lower to middle class yet again.  I know that sounds like a democratic talking point, but it’s a very logical and likely conclusion here.  There is a reason the AARP and American Public Health Association have spoken out against this bill (

·         Some say that we’re already seeing the wage benefits!  AT&T, Comcast, and Boeing have already agreed to give employees a bonus!  This is good, but it’s funny how many people jump on it as proof that the tax plan is going to work.  First of all, let’s think about this.  AT&T is currently in the government’s crosshairs over an immense merger dispute.  Comcast, along with AT&T, just benefited immensely from last week’s net neutrality ruling.  And, Boeing is engrossed in a major international governmental trade dispute with Bombardier.  Everyone knows that it really helps to get on Trump’s good side and it’s no surprise that these three would be among the first to praise the tax reform.  Besides, it’s a one-time bonus.  And, yes, some wages are likely to go up slightly.  However, it has been observed time and time again that most companies don’t turn over the majority of their profits to their employees, but to shareholders, investors, and top executives.  Paul Ryan has been fond of saying that a supposed survey of companies say that they will invest otherwise.  But, that’s like a first grade teacher surveying a group of students asking if they’ll behave if they were to be given a bag of candy during class.  Of course, they’re going to say they will!  We have seen for many years that executives give themselves disproportionate bonuses and salaries over other employees and push profits to investors.  This is well known and many of those passing this bill are among those that have lamented on this fact in the past.

·         Unemployment is at a 17-year low.  Growth is at a 3-year high.  Companies are more profitable than ever1.  Tax reform was perhaps needed, yes.  But, the measures taken were unnecessary and simply irresponsible.  Not only is it not likely to stimulate enough growth to help the deficit, it will add to it.  But, to make matters worse, when a downturn happens we now have frighteningly little room to maneuver to offer a stimulus.  So, yes, while companies get even bigger profits, which are rewarded to wealthy shareholders, those in the middle class are getting at least a little bit of income back as well.  However, just as an example of their irresponsibility, at the same time congressmen celebrate this rush to tax reform they are pushing off funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program and decision on Dreamers.  Wealth of the rich over the health of the less fortunate.   It was also irresponsible because they failed to listen to or to represent the majority of their concerned citizens, which they are supposedly elected to do.

·         Finally, the simple-minded President literally showed how little he cares if he causes people to suffer from his actions when one of the first things he said after the passage of the bill was “Obamacare has been repealed in this bill.”  (as an aside - IT HASN’T) “We didn’t want to bring it up,” he said. “I told people specifically, ‘Be quiet with the fake-news media because I don’t want them talking too much about it.’ Because I didn’t know how people would —.” Trump didn’t finish that thought, but he said he could admit what had been done “now that it’s approved.”2  First of all, he thinks we are a bunch of idiots.  But, he also shows that he knew how wrong his action was, or at least how unpopular.  However, people did know that the healthcare provision was added as part of the bill and the majority were very much against it.  It was widely publicized how many on both sides reacted negatively to the fact that congressmen were trying to include healthcare into a tax reform bill just because they thought it would pass.  The fact that the President would purposely include a provision knowing that it could cause our healthcare system to falter, hurting millions of Americans, is disturbing, albeit predictable from this President (I, among many others, literally did predict he would undermine the ACA).  But, for him to brag about the fact that he (or so he thinks) did it in such a way as to hide it from the very people he is supposed to represent is reprehensible. 

Most will see some tax benefits over the next several years, there will likely be a boost to our economy, and there may be some job creation and wage increases.  These are all good things.  However, it adds to an out of control deficit, exacerbates the divide between the ‘haves’ and ‘have-nots’, and leaves little room for stimulus when needed. 

My prediction is that between this tax cut and jobs act and the extreme deregulation of this administration, we will see a slight boon for a short while followed by either a stagnate or, more likely, faltering economy within the next 5-10 years and perhaps sooner.  I hope I’m wrong or hope that changes will be made so that we won’t see that prediction come to fruition.

Friday, December 1, 2017

Golden Anniversary


The best we can hope for during our short tenure on this planet is to leave the world a slightly better place, make a lasting and positive impact on both present and future generations, and share it with loved ones.  As my in-laws, Katie and Ramon Jereza, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary over the weekend by renewing their vows followed by an amazing reception in front of about 170 of their closest family and friends, it was beautiful to bear witness to a couple that has succeeded in this task in a manner that few can proclaim and who have set an impossible precedent that I will eternally strive to grow towards.  It is not lost on me how unbelievably fortunate I am to have two amazing sets of parents who have been married for 48 years on my side and 50 years on Monette’s, all of whom have always been there for us through thick and thin, as role models who epitomize what marriage is meant to be.

“But, I ordered this meal because it’s what I wanted to eat!”  My first experience with the Jereza clan was after a swim meet in December of 1994 when I joined much of the family at a nice dinner at the Back Bay Seafood Restaurant in Morgantown, WV.  For those that don’t know, Monette is one of eight children and several had come up for the swim meet and dinner, as did her parents and kind grandmother.  Needless to say, being a freshman in college and meeting much of the family for the first time, I was nervous and intimidated.  To make matters worse, I basically grew up on farm food and had never eaten seafood before, so my comfortable options were limited.  The family was wonderful, of course, and made me feel welcome and at ease.  That is, until the food arrived.  The waitress put the delicious food down on the table and as soon as she walked away the Jereza’s began passing the plates around the table to share their food.  What was going on?  I had ordered one of the few items that I knew I would like.  I leaned over to Monette with a nervous stare and she whispered, “Just pass it around.  You don’t have to take anything you don’t want to, but try something new!”  That sounded like great advice, but I was also a young collegiate swimmer who ate about 5000 calories per day and could only envision myself not taking or liking anything else and getting my original plate back with little food left on it.  However, I heeded Monette’s advice and reluctantly took some of the seafood that was passed around.  It set a precedent that continues to this day, in which I am willing and eager to try new things, experiences, and customs.  Monette’s dad encouraged me to try some spicy food, which I have grown fond of, and I discovered the general truth that Old Bay seasoning can make just about anything taste good.

I have way too many fond memories and feelings of the Jereza’s to put into a short blog.  From joining Monette’s dad to play in the only golf tournament I’ve ever competed in which ended up being my best round to date, to hiking up Diamond Head, crossing the Capilano suspension bridge, and watching in surprise as hundreds in a ‘naked bike ride’ rode past us during travels to races, to them taking care of half of the swim team for days as we got stuck in a snow storm on our way home from our winter training trip, to the nerves of asking for their permission to marry their daughter, I’ve always looked up to them with the utmost admiration and they’ve always been the most generous and fun in-laws I could imagine. 

To say that Monette’s dad is a doctor is like describing the Mona Lisa as a painting, while factually true there are a few necessary superlatives missing.  He is a board certified internist/cardiologist who for most of his career worked with a team at the Doctor’s Clinic in Beckley while also working for Raleigh General Hospital.  There were countless times when I’d go to bed and he wouldn’t be home yet and then he’d already be gone to start his day by the time I woke up the next morning.  You mention his name around Beckley and you’re sure to hear someone proclaiming what an incredible man he is.  As busy as he was, though, he lived by the tenants he preached while always making time for his family and putting them first and, as Monette mentioned during the ceremony, always gave her mom a kiss in the morning, before he left for work, and when he returned home.    

But, if there was one person who could outwork Dr. Jereza it was his own wife.  Katie somehow kept everything in order, cooked the meals, and made sure to get all eight kids to their various activities on time, and there were many activities including dance, swimming, tennis, piano lessons, band, church, softball, and so on.  That alone could be a full-time job.  But, she also managed the clinic and ran their books for many years – by hand, no less - and also worked as a nurse.  She has always been very active with St. Francis de Sales church, as well.  Yet, what I perhaps admire most is that she still has always been willing to step in and help whenever the need arises.  Just one of a plethora of examples of this is when the school found themselves in need of a swim coach.  Having no swimming background to speak of, let alone a coaching background, she agreed to give it a shot.  And, she didn’t just step in.  For the years that she was the coach, which spanned over a decade, she went undefeated! 

Marriage is tough at times.  Being married to a doctor who works long hours can be challenging.  The trials and tribulations that come with eight children can put vows to the test.  And yet, the Jereza’s have shown unwavering love and support for each other over the past 50 years that the rest of us can only dream to emulate.
The Jereza Clan

The mentality and skills passed down by Ramon and Katie were on display as the children gave brief speeches during the reception.  Tina, who put together a professional-level slide show of her parents' 50 years of marriage, mentioned how the four tenants her parents stressed provided their children the ARMS needed to have a healthy, happy, and successful life as they were encouraged to delve deeply into each discipline of the acronym.

A = Academics
R = Religion
M = Music
S = Sports
Brothers-in-law (aka - a UN Meeting)
Each aspect played an important component in the well-rounded and well-adjusted children they would have.  Although, someone made a clever anagram out of it and said “sometimes, Dad RAMS it down our throats.”  That got a good laugh!  Katie shared her parent’s influence on her by making an insightful connection to how she always loved singing and playing the piano to One Little Candle with her dad and her current job within the Department of Energy working with the energy grid to literally keep the lights on.  Mayenne eloquently portrayed how her parents made their daughters strong and independent women, even earning a few of them nicknames along those lines.  Gina brought up one of my favorite examples of how everyone can learn from her parents:  their support and willingness to accept people of all kinds.  As she stated, it has been said that her family get togethers are like a UN meeting.  Or, some have described it as the United Colors of Benetton.  Their father is Filipino, their mother is German/Irish from New Jersey, and the immediate family includes white, black, Canadian, and Pakistani; Catholic, Jewish, Muslim, Baptist, and more; democrats and republicans.  Yet, we all manage to get along as a fun and supportive family under the accepting guidance of Katie and Ramon.  Meanwhile, Ping, the youngest and only male sibling, gave an emotional and moving speech which caused many to tear up that started by describing what it was like to grow up with eight mothers.  One can only imagine what that was like!  He then continued by thanking his parents for taking him in and always treating him as one of their own.  Some in the crowd didn’t even know until that moment that he and Rozzana had been adopted from family in the Phillipines, largely because their new parents never thought of them as anything but their own children and never treated them any differently than their other six children.  Rozzana, who was adopted as a teenager, described how it was difficult adjusting at that age, but her parents got her through it all.  Betty was emotional and also contributed brilliantly to the family memorials throughout the day and all eight children exemplify their parents’ values and teachings.  The seven grandkids in attendance even got in on the action with Darren, the oldest and currently in the Air Force, giving an impromptu speech.

Mother and Daughters Dance
Of course, most of what I witness is in relation to my wife, Monette.  It is impossible to describe the respect, admiration, and attachment that Monette has toward both of her parents.  Not only did she have difficulty on the first days of preschool and kindergarten, as some kids are wont to do, she had the same problem starting college and every time she left home after visiting for several years!  Whether she was four or twenty-four years old, though, her parents were there to support and encourage her, knowing just what to do to give her the push she needed.  It also helped that she had the support of family that she could call upon at any time and who kept her company in times of need.  Monette shared during her speech how some of her fondest memories were playing tennis and, later, golf with her dad and swimming under the tutelage of her mom and the few times her mother joined her on the court or course.  Detailing how their influence led to her choice of careers, sports, and travel, and the lessons she carries on from them, she admitted that, “It’s something that I continue to try to pass on to my clients and the kids on our youth team”, the success of which I can personally attest to.  “But,” she said, “perhaps the most important value they showed us growing up, and continue to demonstrate, is their love for one another and their willingness to always be available to anyone in need.”  Of that, there is no question.
About 170 people celebrated Katie and Ramon’s 50th wedding anniversary on Thanksgiving weekend.  That alone shows their impact and respect amongst various groups of friends and a wonderful community ‘family’ around Beckley that they are a part of.  Together, they have made a positive and lasting impact on many people, organizations, and the community at large.  Together, over fifty years, they have demonstrated what true love is.  And, together, they continue to set the benchmark ever higher for those of us trying to make them proud and follow their lead.

Katie and Ramon, Mom and Dad, here’s to you.  Congratulations on the Golden Anniversary and thank you for everything you are, have been, and will always be to both me and Monette.  May we all ‘Live long and prosper’!
Photo credit:  lovingly stolen from Tina Jereza Stamper