Thursday, March 9, 2017

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt's Ignorance

EPA Chief Scott Pruitt Questions Basic Facts About Climate Change

I know I'm don't stand alone with this sentiment, but I can't tell you how infuriating this is to me! I have a hard time believing that someone in Scott Pruitt's position is not intelligent enough to understand basic and overwhelming scientific literature and research. However, if I begin with that premise, then that would mean that there are more nefarious reasons for his stance. That, of course, would be worse because that means that there is little hope of him becoming educated by the very agency he is tasked to lead and is instead motivated by the all-mighty dollar or power. What has happened to our leaders?! This is like a punch in the gut, not just to the scientific community, but every citizen worldwide. Future generations may look back at this moment with incredulity, just as most other advanced nations are already, if this thinking leads to actions. UGH! 

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