Sunday, February 26, 2017

Do we fear, nay we hope

Do we fear? Nay, we hope.

Do we fear: Those that flee repression and persecution based on their nationality or religion?

Nay, we hope: That we can be a haven to those in desperate need by offering support and respect for their plight and differences with an immigration process that is fair for all.

These are American Values

Do we fear: Regulations that have been put in place to protect the people, the environment, and our ethical values?

Nay, we hope: That any deregulation or new regulation is based on sound scientific research and data that will benefit the greater good and not simply manipulated to benefit the bottom line.

These are American Values

Do we fear: That diverging the production of the Dakota Access Pipeline will lead to a delay and rise in cost?

Nay, we hope: That the sacred land and voices of a people with a long history of injustices at our government’s hand be respected and honored.

These are American Values

Do we fear: An illegal Mexican immigrant mother that has been working in the US for over a decade or a Mexican construction worker who came here with his parents when he was a baby, has worked hard and contributed to society?

Nay, we hope: That we put our time, money, and energy into battles with much bigger implications instead of destroying morale and good families that are safely settled here with nowhere safe to return to.

These are American Values

Do we fear: A congress that has become a circus of polarity, one-upmanship, and campaigning instead of voting on merits?

Nay, we hope: That the people utilize their power to vote out the culprits and show we require government to work as one to govern as it was meant to be, not as sparring units refusing to work together and fearing that the other side would ever look like they have a good idea.

These are American Values

Do we fear: An administration that is pushing religious testing, has cabinet members who have already broken ethical rules and others who have expressed the desire to get rid of the very agencies they’re tasked to lead, has a leader who acts like a fourth grade bully whose first instinct is to insult and degrade someone personally when disagreeing with them, directly disrespects a federal judge and the national media, insists that there should be an investigation about voter fraud on an election they won against the advice of their own party instead of investigating the much scarier question of Russian interference based on evidence that the President said even convinced him and as the media proves that his own national security advisor was in direct contact with Russia during that time, and who speaks outright lies or misleading statements so often that his own counselor’s only defense is that we should try to focus on what he says correctly instead of incorrectly?

Nay, we hope: And UNITE and show why we have ALWAYS. BEEN. GREAT. Democrat, republican, libertarian, independent, it doesn’t matter. We have different views on various policies and methods but the vast majority share the same basic American Values, and that, my friends, is what defines us and makes us GREAT. As the rest of the world worries, protests, and nervously laughs along with us, we are beginning to witness what unity looks like. It’s an imperative demonstration to show the world that our core moral values and character have not been lost. We are on the precipice of drastic changes to our way of life; be on the side of humanity and human decency and be proud to have been on the right side of history once again. While some choose to dwell upon the great division between those on the far fringes of their factions, what is actually transpiring, in contrast, are enormous numbers of diverse groups representing the large majority of this country from all facets of life coming together to step up and defend the values that founded this wonderful country of ours like never before letting our leaders know that they represent us and to start acting in accordance.

We take others in, not keep them out. We lift others up, not tear them down. We live with hope, not fear.

These are American Values.

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