Saturday, February 25, 2017

A plea

A plea:

I have many friends on both sides of this political fiasco that we're dealing with right now. And, that's the problem! PLEASE stop and look at things with your own eyes, knowledge, beliefs, and freedoms and not just what you're told from the 'left' or the 'right'. Everyone leans one way or another and that is fine, but don't just go along because it's red or blue - both sides have issues and you have to be able to admit it. I may write up a whole manifesto at some point about politics in the US, but what's happening right now is not POLITICS.

This is not coming from me as being on any side, but as a free-thinking, open-minded, American. I'm perfectly fine with a leader who has different ideas than I do, but this new president and his administration so far have done nothing but put us in harm's way in almost every aspect. I'm begging his supporters to take an honest look because it's not hard to see that his actions and most of his words are dangerous and not even the way we would teach our kids to act. These are not republican values.

I hear all of these people repeating his words about the media, but he has countries across the world already on edge with us and you can read about that from any non-biased source. His wall is perhaps the worst idea that's ever been proposed, and anybody that's taken economics 101 can tell you that his 'tariffs' that he talks about with Mexico and China would do nothing but harm the US. His immigration ban, or whatever he wants you to call it now, was completely unnecessary and extremely poorly implemented. It did NOT make us safer in any sense of the word but by far did the opposite because it infuriated countries and caused them to retaliate with their own bans and has negatively affected many Americans. That's not to mention our values that it goes against. He's already talking about major retaliations or issues with Mexico, Iran, Australia, China, taking oil, etc.. He's already in the process of getting rid of carbon emission regulations and other environmental regulations, which are essential to our health. That's not to mention his cabinet picks whose major, and sometimes only, qualifications are being RICH. Democrats are just as bad as republicans when it comes to the crap that happens in congress so I'm not making any statement about one side or the other, but if you support a congressman that votes for Betsy DeVos, for example, but didn't for others that were way more qualified, that just shows pure bias. There's SO MUCH more, but I'll resist going on.

He has the country on edge, he has the world on edge, and he's not doing anything to make us safer, better off, or GREAT. I'm not asking for arguments on either side, just making a desperate call to not blindly support a clearly bad situation. I make no judgements on your beliefs, there's no right or wrong. Don't blame the other side - democrat or republican. Don't mock or shame people because of their beliefs. We should all be on the same side, even when we disagree. That's how we get things done; by working together and finding ground where we can agree to accept. Not by changing laws, boycotting, or only voting/thinking along party lines. We make ourselves better when we bring others up with us - something this new administration needs to learn quickly.

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