Saturday, February 25, 2017

Education Secretary

Education is one of the essential pillars of American society. If there was ever a question as to why people are upset about what our government has become, today just solidified and amplified the frustrations beyond measurable limits. A vast majority of the US opposed the nomination of DeVos and the vote was still largely along party lines. So much for listening to your substituents.

Public education is the cornerstone of the US and the Education Secretary has a tremendous responsibility to enrich the opportunities for all students while trying to make us competitive with other countries across the globe. I'm not knocking charter schools, there's nothing wrong with having them. But with her proposed voucher program and school choice ideas, saying that it would cause the public schools to work harder to compete, sounds like it comes from someone who has never had to struggle and is blinded. I have no reason to believe that she doesn't mean well. Betsy DeVos, qualified or not, you are now the Secretary of Education. My hope is that you will break the mold by listening to the voices of the public screaming from the rafters and be open to listening to experts on the ground with an open-mind. As a son of public school teachers and a product of the public school system myself, this hits close to home and I want nothing more than for the US school system to thrive. To do so means focusing on teacher pay and retention, various school programs, teaching styles that prepare students to succeed in the real world, and helping the public schools improve; not diverting funds to make them have to struggle harder to keep up.

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