Saturday, February 25, 2017

Climate Change

Just one quick note on scientific research and government. Since the majority of climate change deniers are my generation or older, let me use some examples you'll know:

1. Remember the hole in the ozone layer? You'll recall that the chemicals we were putting in the atmosphere, specifically the CDCs, were reacting with the ozone and depleting it. What was the result? More UV light was getting through, for one, causing a huge spike in skin cancer as the most visible effect..., but also causing harm to plants and other animals. Thanks to scientific research and government regulation, we were able to not only stop the trend, but it's actually healing now.

2. Smog - remember the thick layer of smog over L.A. and other cities? What happened? It caused poor breathing conditions, less sunlight getting through the atmosphere, and inhibited plant growth. Thanks to scientific research and government regulation, we were able to reverse that trend.
Now, wouldn't that be a form of climate change that is man-made if allowed to continue over time? No? Well, now we see incredible levels of CO2 in the atmosphere, the reflectivity is changing from deforestation and urbanization, etc., large levels of methanogens, and so on.

These are very similar to the above examples, and can cause changes on an even larger scale; and WE can make a difference. But, not by squashing and denying the research and not by deregulating the environmental protections.

3. Last, but not least - Even if you are still skeptical, why would you want to be on the side to NOT protect our health?

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